Kirsten’s Hagen’s nursing background gives her first-hand knowledge of the importance of self-care. An avid cyclist, she’s up at dawn to ride before heading to work as director of the Inpatient Unit and Palliative Response Team at Victoria Hospice.
Cycling is one way of taking care of herself so she can care for others, she says. “Being on my bike clears my mind and I’m in flow – I’m present. The feeling of my hands on the handlebars makes me feel lighter. It’s wonderful.”

She’s signed on as a member of the Victoria Hospice Handlebars team to ride 200 km in two days in the Cycle of Life Tour August 26-27. Now in its tenth year, the annual cycling extravaganza has raised more than $1.5M for hospice care on Vancouver Island.
“I’m incredibly motivated and fulfilled by what I see happening at Victoria Hospice,” she says. “There is something special and different about this care team. Many people who work here have been personally touched by compassionate care at Victoria Hospice – that goes for me and my family too – and I am excited to contribute in any way I can.”
The way the community supports patients and families by providing funds that make hospice care unique has been great to see since she started in her role in June, Kirsten says.
“There are so many donor-funded resources here that enable people to experience the end of their life in a graceful way, supported by experts in end-of-life and hospice care,” she says. “All the psychosocial supports, counselling, spiritual care, the extra touches volunteers provide, and the emphasis on being with people make Victoria Hospice a special place.”
You can sponsor Kirsten or any Cycle of Life Tour rider and be part of the circle of care at Victoria Hospice.