Music Therapy Research Project

Music Therapy for Seniors at End-of-Life

Music Therapy for Seniors at End-of-Life: Literature Review and a Preliminary Randomized Feasibility Study

Authors: Kirsten Davis, Joanne Davidson, Alison Fraser and Helena Daudt
Funders/Grants: 1. Catalyst grant from Island Health 2. Island Health 3. Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund (CMTTF)
Date Published: Published in July 2019

Music therapy aims to support the general psychosocial, spiritual, physical and social aspects of health. In particular, music therapy used in a hospice palliative care setting has shown to have a very positive impact on patients, which was the driving factor to start this research project. Music therapy was part of the Victoria Hospice program many years ago. In 2014, with the hopes of bringing music therapy back into Hospice, a group of staff began a research project about music therapy in hospice palliative care.

The study started with a literature review and the development of a clinical trial protocol to assess the effectiveness of music therapy in hospice palliative care, with funding through a catalyst grant from Island Health. The group then piloted the clinical trial protocol, with grants from Island Health and the Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund. As a result of engaging in this study, we were able to re-integrate music therapy back to Victoria Hospice’s program, first through research and subsequently as part of patient care on the unit. Due to the COVID pandemic music therapy is not currently being offered.

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