Uta Rach
Uta loved music, adventure, people…
Her life reflected her deep gratitude and her understanding for the diversity and richness of life.
For us, the family, she was our compass, our steadfast rock, and Queen of the Thrift Store. She worked as she lived, humbly making each day count with blessings of kindness and patience, compassion and vitality.
A message from Uta’s Victoria Hospice colleagues
Uta was an LPN (Licenced Practical Nurse), she worked here at Victoria Hospice from the early 1980’s until she retired in 2003.
“We, her nursing colleagues, describe her as being the Queen Of Caregivers. We remember her walking from room to room to get people comfortable for a nap or for the night. Uta had the touch – she was creative, she was intuitive. Using warm flannels, pillows and folded towels she could support limbs and joints and decrease discomfort.
Uta was an extraordinary worker. She loved her job. She excelled at it. She was passionate about it.”
“Uta was called on to teach, and teach she did! She could teach skilled compassionate care because she embodied it.”
For many years she taught Community Health Workers in workshop settings, but on a day to day basis, here at Victoria Hospice, she taught us all, she taught Registered Nurses, family members and friends.
She was our mentor.