A meaningful way to give beyond your lifetime

Legacy giving involves leaving a charitable gift as part of your Will or estate.
A legacy gift is a powerful expression of love, compassion, and hope for the future. How you direct your financial legacy speaks to the values you hold dear.
Your generosity can create a legacy that extends far beyond your lifetime, bringing care to patients and families when they it most.
Download a brochure for more information
A legacy gift to Victoria Hospice will:
- Create a caring and comfortable environment on our 18-bed Inpatient Unit
- Provide 24-hour crisis support from our Palliative Response Team for patients who are dying at home
- Enhance our care for patients and families through programs like spiritual care, music therapy and volunteer services
- Ensure people who are grieving receive the help they need through specialized grief counselling and support groups.
Almost 50% of the funding for our programs and services comes from community donations and legacy giving.
Important information for you and your advisor
Legal Name: Victoria Hospice Society
Charitable Registration #: 11928-4230-RR0001
4th Floor, Richmond Pavilion
1952 Bay Street
Victoria, BC V8R 1J8
Find sample suggested Will clauses for unrestricted gifts, restricted gifts, endowed funds, and securities by downloading the file below.
Options for leaving a legacy
There are several ways to leave a meaningful legacy gift to Victoria Hospice.
- A specific or residual amount in your Will
- A portion or percentage of your estate
- Real estate
- Securities
- Registered funds such as RRSP/RRIF/TFSAs
- Charitable gift annuities
Did you know?
Legacy giving triggers charitable tax credits which, depending on the structure of your gift, can benefit you now or reduce the taxes owed by your estate.
You can structure your gift to minimize or even eliminate the taxable impact on your beneficiaries, allowing more of your money to go to your loved ones. Your financial planner or lawyer can help determine which option is best for you.
Max White Leaves a Compassionate Legacy

Max White was introduced to Victoria Hospice when the Palliative Response Team provided support at home for his wife, Freda. After her death in 2007, he joined Hospice as a volunteer.
Remembered for his warm, calm, intelligent presence and exceptional people skills, Max connected with countless patients, families, and staff while volunteering on the Inpatient Unit and in Bereavement Services.
“You learn so much about people and how they can handle things and how much other people can contribute to getting you back your wholeness,” said Max reflecting on his time as a volunteer.
In addition to his legacy of compassion, Max left a gift in his Will to support patients and families at Victoria Hospice into the future.
Would You Like to Know More?
Making a gift from the heart brings meaning and purpose to a live well lived. Your legacy gift is an opportunity to secure compassionate end-of-life care for generations to come.
Please contact Michelle Atamanchuk at Victoria Hospice for more information or to inform us of a gift in your estate plan.

Michelle Atamanchuk
Senior Development Officer
Phone: 250-812-3753
Heritage Circle
Individuals who make us aware of their plans for a legacy gift are invited to join the Victoria Hospice Heritage Circle. The vision and foresight of this special group of people will ensure compassionate end-of-life care in our community for generations to come. As a member of the Heritage Circle, you will receive invitations to events, updates, and – if you wish – your name will be listed on our recognition wall.
Victoria Hospice is honoured to celebrate the generosity and kindness of all our legacy donors.