Victoria Hospice joins with Max White’s friends and family to cherish the memory of his compassionate presence. Max died on July 2, 2021.
He was introduced to Victoria Hospice services when the Palliative Response Team provided support at home for his wife, Freda. After her death in 2007, he wanted to give back as a volunteer.

He touched the lives of countless patients, families, and staff at Victoria Hospice, serving on the Inpatient Unit and in Bereavement Services, supporting many programs and co-facilitating bereavement groups. Max even crafted beautiful wooden toys for use in play therapy sessions with the child and youth grief counsellor.
Bereavement Counsellor Betty Anderson remembers Max’s many contributions.
“His warm, calm, intelligent presence and his top-notch people skills fostered the sense of community and safe haven that are integral to a group support session,” she says. “Max’s lived experience of being the ‘one left behind’ after a long and deep connection to a spouse ‘tuned his ear’ to be able to hear even the unspoken feelings of others in a similar situation.”
In a 2019 interview, Max reflected on his time as a volunteer.
“It was a very special experience and one in which I certainly grew as a human being, and also grew in abilities. You learn so much about people and how they can handle things and how much other people can contribute to getting you back your wholeness. It’s astounding what people do in support.

Hospice gives you the chance to contribute some things that you don’t even know you have.”
In addition to his legacy of compassion, Max left a gift in his Will to support patients and families at Victoria Hospice into the future. His generosity will be long remembered, and his presence greatly missed.
We are grateful and better for having known him.