Kerice Richards and Alissa Moore are among 33 new members of our volunteer team who support patients and families on the Inpatient Unit. Volunteers undertake 30 hours of training from members of the care team and six hours of online learning.
They learn practical skills, like infection control, safe wheelchair handling, and assisting with meals. In addition to learning to work as a team member on the unit, communication skills, empathetic listening, and responding to people grief are key elements of the training. Volunteers also explore the range of supports that nurture the spirit at hospice, with appreciation for the diversity among individuals, families, and cultures.

The volunteers bring a tremendous amount of heart and compassion to the role, Volunteer Services Program Assistant Julia Dawson says.
“They come from all walks of life. Some are retired and others work or study full time, but all have a deep desire to support people who are dying and their families,” she says. “The life experiences and depth of kindness among the volunteers are just amazing.”
The Inpatient Unit volunteer program is currently at capacity for new applications, but may reopen later in 2024.