There are few higher expressions of love than honouring someone’s final wishes.
Ashlee Elder knew her husband, Jason, wanted his celebration of life to support a cause close to both of their hearts, so she pulled out all the stops to do it.
Although she needed to wait for nearly two years before pandemic restrictions eased enough to gather friends and family, Ashlee raised more than $3,000 for Victoria Hospice through a silent auction she established as part of Jason’s celebration of life.
Jason also made his most important wish clear from the start: he wanted to stay at home and die at home.
The palliative and end-of-life care Jason received made that wish possible, says Ashlee.
“The entire team of social workers, nurses, and doctors really understood just what was needed, she says.
“It was good to have the team present with their holistic approach. They were also just very kind. They made all the difference to be able to keep Jason at home. I’m still in awe of the experience and what the team gave to us.”
Friends who were frequent visitors to Ashlee and Jason’s home also felt the support of the palliative team who took the time to connect and to explain the changes in Jason’s condition as the disease progressed.
“It was great to have someone there – other than me – who could explain things to everyone,” she says. “They looked out for all of us.”
Raising funds to help ensure others receive the same kind of support added to the meaningful gathering Ashlee and her family and friends were able to hold in November before new pandemic restrictions were introduced.
The silent auction included something for everyone, Ashlee says, from clothing to glass art to golf.
“At one point during the gathering, I looked around and thought, ‘This is exactly it. This is what was supposed to happen, with everyone laughing, drinking, eating good food, telling stories – and raising money as well.”
You can support Jason’s wishes by making a donation in his honour. Contact us to learn more about hosting a community fundraising event.