Since 1985, Celebrate a Life has offered a unique opportunity to honour a loved one during the holiday season – a difficult time of year for many dealing with grief.

Victoria Hospice invites you to celebrate the lives of people who have died – whether this year or long ago. Our virtual gathering of memories and reflections showcase stories like that of Liz Ilka. This holiday season, she will celebrate the life of her partner, Bob Embury. Says Liz:
“Bob spent a few days at Hospice where they worked on his meds to make him comfortable. There were angels all around us. They even let me bring little Emma Jean, my Shih Tzu-Yorkshire Terrier, who loved to visit with Bob. That was a Godsend to him. I did my best to be with him right to the end, love him, and make him as comfortable as I could.”
You can read her full story and many more – or make your own online tribute – on our Celebrate a Life page.
Celebrate a Life community gathering: On Sunday, December 10, we are hosting a community gathering to remember and celebrate our loved ones who have died. Our Spiritual Care Team will lead us through a quiet time of words, music, and candle lighting. The event is free – everyone is welcome! Event details here.
Supporting you in bereavement: Victoria Hospice is here to support people in bereavement. Click here for tips for coping with grief over the holidays and link to more resources.