Brochures for families and professionals
We’re here to help patients, families, caregivers, and professionals navigate the end-of-life journey with security and peace of mind.
Information about Hospice
Welcome to the Unit
Caregiver Information
Changing ability to eat and drink
Dyspnea and breathing pattern changes
Preparing for death: A guide for caregivers
Relaxation techniques
What to do if a hemorrhage occurs
Grief Support
Bereavement Services: Supporting you in grief and loss
10 things to know about grief
Funeral Services: Decision making and planning
Grief: Coping with challenges
Grief: Understanding your emotions
Grief: What makes it difficult
Special days and holidays
Things to remember when supporting a grieving person
Child and Youth Grief
The suggested reading lists below were researched and compiled by the Victoria Hospice Child and Youth Grief counsellor.
Infant Loss Resource List
Young Children’s Suggested Book List
Middle/High School Suggested Book List
Podcast: Victoria Hospice is proud to offer a three-part podcast about grief among children and youth. Click Here for more.
Healthy Relationships in Health Care (previously titled Relationship Management)
For professionals: If you are looking to reprint and use any of the resources above, please fill out this form.