The last few months, our community has reached out to provide words of kindness to our care team at Victoria Hospice. Below you will find those words, which provide comfort and support to our team during challenging times.
If you would like to send your own words of support to our team, fill out the form below.
We can’t thank you enough for all the work and kindness, you give every day. And this is for ever. Hugs to all. ~Anonymous |
As a fellow nurse I know how hard it is to garb up and wear that mask and gloves everyday during this unprecedented time. I’m confident your warm voices and smiling eyes are still shining through and providing comfort and care to those that need it most – especially as visiting restrictions have been so limiting. You are true heroes behind those masks but not invincible so please remember to take of you also. Wishing you all boundless energy, strength and a multitude of blessings. ~A fan of the Hospice Team |
I have witnessed the kind, caring and professional attitude of Hospice nurses + doctors. If or when my time comes, I hope you will still be there. Take care of yourselves, thank you and God bless you. ~A daughter of a doctor and a nurse (during the second world war.) |
To the Wonderful Hospice Team, I would like you to know that I truly appreciate all that you do to make the end of one’s life as comfortable as possible. I have dealt with hospices in Victoria as well as on the mainland and every person I met there was fantastic! In these trying times to have to cope with the restrictions of COVID-19 has brought makes your job even tougher. I support you, appreciate you and thank you! ~ Anonymous |
Thank you all for not only going the extra mile, but many extra miles in this difficult time when those you care for have to be separated from their loved ones at the end of their lives. The support you offer the dying and their families and friends are invaluable always. Keep up the vital care and caring. ~ Shirley Chatfield |
It has been 11 years since my husband Herbert Robers passed away and my family will never forget the kindness and compassion of all the Hospice caregivers. They made a very trying time so much easier to bear. I like to tell you all your devotion to care is so appreciated. Thank you ~Jewel E. Roberts |
You are all so brave and courageous taking care of patients who desperately need your skills and kindness. Just keep on doing what you have been chosen to do. ~Nancy Gregson |
Ever since I was on the Hospice Board I have known what wonderful people you are. “Thank you” seems inadequate to say but please know that you are so very much appreciated, honoured and recognized. So thank you, thank you. ~Norma Mickelson |
God bless our care team. Also all the people that are doing the right thing ~Katie Baim |
My parents died within 4 months of each other. They were both in Hospice care with the US. I can’t tell you how much the compassionate care of the hospice staff meant to our family. The hospice nurses and staff became like family to my sister Esme. When your days are long and you are weary please know that your work is invaluable and life changing. Having a loving hand to guide you along this journey makes all the difference. Thank you for all the care you give. ~ Barry Anderson |
Your work is so valuable and very much needed. End of life care, challenging and yet must be so very, very rewarding as well. Keep up the good work you outstanding wonders! Xo ~ anonymous |
Continue the caring and compassionate care you give, supporting those at end of life and their families. Thank all of you for all you do. ~ Beth Pengelly |
It is with much appreciation that I write these words to sincerely thank all frontline medical and support workers for their compassion, professional care and continued devotion to those in need. Thank you, thank you, thank you! ~ anonymous |
The impact of your service lives on with the memory of our loved ones. Your end-of-life services is a special gift to our families. Bless you ~ Neil Rawnsley |
Almost 18 years ago we had the in-home hospice nurses visit my father, Gordon Chope, in his last days. We also had 24 hour private care. Several of our friends and relatives have benefited by your services over the years. Unfortunately for my Dad there was no room at Hospice. I don’t think he wanted to die at home (This was in his last few days). There was also a shortage of staff at that time (2002). I hope your staff can also reassure the patients about their family. My father worried “who will look after Joyce?” This surprised me as I was in my late fifties with a family, etc. He also worried about his dog. A lot of think about. Enclosed is a donation. ~ Joyce M. Harrison |
I am very grateful for your care for patients at the end of their life, before and during COVID-19. I cannot thank you enough for all your love and I hope God gives you strength to continue with your end-of-life care and support for all those who need your help. Thank you very much to all our frontline workers. ~ anonymous |
Thank you so much! Stay healthy, stay sane! ~anonymous |
You took good care of my partner last few weeks. Then your walking group for grievers was especially good for me. This is all about 10 years ago! Thanks ~ Keith Culverhouse |
Thank you for your kind, caring, compassionate care for us during the last days of my husband Marinus Devos last days. You were able to make it easier for my daughter and I to let him go. Thank you. ~ Martha Ven Keimpo |
Thank you for your compassion and thireless dedication you give to all the families that spend the last days of life’s journey at this Hospice. My husband George Lobson died July 27, 2014 in your loving care. ~ Doreen Lobson |
Thumbs up!! Keep up your wonderful work. ~ Joan Johns |
Thanks to the exceptional work that all the care team at Hospice are doing <3 ~ Uta Rach |
Dear Hospice Team, To the patients and their families, you are like angels sent from above. I know first hand when my father received Hospice care in Toronto 17 years ago, and I have friends here in Victoria whose families have benefited from your dedicated care and help. Thank you for working doubly hard at these especially challenging times. Your tireless work and compassion are heartfelt and much appreciated. Please stay safe and well. ~Christina |
With Christmas time approaching, I want to thank all those who give to the patients of Hospice. My own husband was admiitted with colon cancer at approx 9:45 am on June 9th, 2008, and died the same day approx 7:45 pm It gave a brief look at the work of Hospice as our family gather around Keith’s bedside. I was interested to read of the passing of Eric Charman, whose home & hospitality I had encountered “in a previous life” and didn’t know he passed. It is comforting to know that you are there to provide care and warmth in those final days. A sad, tho rewarding calling, I hope, and greatly appreciated. ~ B. Pittam |
Thank you for you important work – you are angels ~ Anonymous |
I can’t tell you how upsetting it is to know that families can’t be with their loved ones at the end whether it be in hospital or Hospice. I know HealthCare workers are doing their best to be there and communicate with families. So its hard for them also. When my husband was there, his family was able to be there in a comfortable setting which was sad, but comforting for us all. I am so grateful for that I donate yearly. ~ Anonymous |
To all the staff at Victoria Hospice ~ It’s been a year now this month that my Dad, Rowland Davies, passed away at Hospice and I will be forever grateful for the lovely care he received from you all during the last 2 months of his life. I’m so blessed that we were able to see him and visit him without all the lockdowns now during covid. As a health care worker myself, I know how fatiguing and challenging providing health care during the pandemic is….make sure you all treat yourselves well and give yourselves all a big hug. xoxo Thanks so much. ~ Susan Davies |
Forgive yourself for everything you ever think you have done wrong. Commit to loving and guiding yourself with tenderness for the rest of your life. Repeat as often as needed. And, know that you are respected and loved. ~anonymous |
You helped my mother in her last hours when one of your nurses came to the house and administered injection(s) to ease her into the next world. We have been very strong believers in what you do and admirers pf the care and excellence you’ve exhibited when doing your invaluable work. ~Bill and Sue Mac |
With great respect for your continuing service in these difficult times. Nice to know that the “careteam” is also a “caring” team. ~ Ron Jackinschuk |
To the frontline team, medical and support workers, Many thanks for your terrific care and thoughtfulness to those that need your care. I personally want you to know I wish you good healthy and encouragement to carry on with your much needed care and dedication. ~ Shirley Legh |
Your dedication and kindness is amazing <3 We are all so grateful that you continue to serve our most vulnerable friends and neighbours. ~ Angela Plasterer |
Love is patient; Love is kind…love never ends (St. Paul to the corinthians): Sets out a very tall order which so few of us can do alone (and at all times) throughout each others lives. Thank you for helping families realize loving departures and losses through the most difficult circumstances, whatever their beliefs may be. You are all what I would call “angels” and “messengers of Love”. ~ Anita Gilder-Henneberry |
Thank you so much care team. ~ G. R. Lake |
Thank you for all the care you provide to our most vulnerable. In these stressful times you are in our hearts and thoughts — please be safe. We will try to assist you by keeping our distance, handwashing, and wearing masks when warranted. Xoxoxo ~ Anne Noonan |
We appreciated the care you provide for terminal patients and will continue to support you financially. You provide an indispensable service. ~Rob Anderson and Sharon Smith (nee Tennent) |
Greetings, Just want to say Thank you for all you do. During this year there have been many challenges for everyone and I just wanted to let you know how much you are appreciated. My thoughts and prayers are extended to all of you and your families. May God bless all of you. ~ anonymous |
Thank you for all the help you gave me when my husband passed on in 2005 Feb. I always remember. ~ Gertrude Coutts |
Thank you loving care givers – you are so appreciated for what you give and nurture. I confess I would not have the ability to do what you ALL do. Over the years you have lovingly given fond care to my friends Joan, Carol, Trish, John and more. PS I was thrilled to create the textile wall hanging “Safe Habour” some where in your home ~ Carole Sabiston-Munro |
I commend you health workers. You are heroes indeed, not in single acts of bravery but every working day. In admiration, ~Noel Parker-Jervis |
I do not express myself very well in the written word. I hope my cheque will convey my great admiration and gratitude to all the selfless workers who are so dedicated and work so hard to keep us all safe. Thank you all very much. ~ Nancy White |
Without your kindness and support it would be a very tough road. Thank you for all you do. Your heart is in the right place! ~ anonymous |
God bless you all for ALL you do to help others and to keep me safe. You are appreciated. ~ anonymous |
Thank you for going the extra mile and using your “common sense” in helping Jane’s family – they will never forget your kindness and I’m sure you show such compassion daily. Thank you ~ Carmel Loader |
How very special you all are. Angels for sure! ~ Sharon Werrun |
Thank you for your service. ~ Sohan Labh |
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts – and keep smiling behind those masks! ~ Margaret McColl |